name char C dec hex bin
null NUL \0 00000000000
start of heading SOH 10100000001
start of text STX 20200000010
end of text ETX 30300000011
end of xmit EOT 40400000100
enquiry ENQ 50500000101
acknowledge ACK 60600000110
bell BEL \a 70700000111
backspace BS \b 80800001000
horizontal tab HT \t 90900001001
line feed LF \n 100a00001010
vertical tab VT \v 110b00001011
form feed FF \f 120c00001100
carriage return CR \r 130d00001101
shift out SO 140e00001110
shift in SI 150f00001111
data line escape DLE 161000010000
device control 1 DC1 171100010001
device control 2 DC2 181200010010
device control 3 DC3 191300010011
device control 4 DC4 201400010100
neg acknowledge NAK 211500010101
synchronous idel SYN 221600010110
end of xmit block ETB 231700010111
cancel CAN 241800011000
end of medium EM 251900011001
substitute SUB 261a00011010
escape ESC \e 271b00011011
file separator FS 281c00011100
group separator GS 291d00011101
record separator RS 301e00011110
unit separator US 311f00011111
delete DEL 1277F01111111
char dec hex bin
[space] 32 20 00100000
! 33 21 00100001
" 34 22 00100010
# 35 23 00100011
$ 36 24 00100100
% 37 25 00100101
& 38 26 00100110
' 39 27 00100111
( 40 28 00101000
) 41 29 00101001
* 42 2a 00101010
+ 43 2b 00101011
, 44 2c 00101100
- 45 2d 00101101
. 46 2e 00101110
/ 47 2f 00101111
0 48 30 00110000
1 49 31 00110001
2 50 32 00110010
3 51 33 00110011
4 52 34 00110100
5 53 35 00110101
6 54 36 00110110
7 55 37 00110111
8 56 38 00111000
9 57 39 00111001
: 58 3a 00111010
; 59 3b 00111011
< 60 3c 00111100
= 61 3d 00111101
> 62 3e 00111110
? 63 3f 00111111
@ 64 40 01000000
char dec hex bin
A 65 41 01000001
B 66 42 01000010
C 67 43 01000011
D 68 44 01000100
E 69 45 01000101
F 70 46 01000110
G 71 47 01000111
H 72 48 01001000
I 73 49 01001001
J 74 4a 01001010
K 75 4b 01001011
L 76 4c 01001100
M 77 4d 01001101
N 78 4e 01001110
O 79 4f 01001111
P 80 50 01010000
Q 81 51 01010001
R 82 52 01010010
S 83 53 01010011
T 84 54 01010100
U 85 55 01010101
V 86 56 01010110
W 87 57 01010111
X 88 58 01011000
Y 89 59 01011001
Z 90 5a 01011010
[ 91 5b 01011011
\ 92 5c 01011100
] 93 5d 01011101
^ 94 5e 01011110
_ 95 5f 01011111
` 96 60 01100000
char dec hex bin
a 97 61 01100001
b 98 62 01100010
c 99 63 01100011
d 100 64 01100100
e 101 65 01100101
f 102 66 01100110
g 103 67 01100111
h 104 68 01101000
i 105 69 01101001
j 106 6a 01101010
k 107 6b 01101011
l 108 6c 01101100
m 109 6d 01101101
n 110 6e 01101110
o 111 6f 01101111
p 112 70 01110000
q 113 71 01110001
r 114 72 01110010
s 115 73 01110011
t 116 74 01110100
u 117 75 01110101
v 118 76 01110110
w 119 77 01110111
x 120 78 01111000
y 121 79 01111001
z 122 7a 01111010
{ 123 7b 01111011
| 124 7c 01111100
} 125 7d 01111101
~ 126 7e 01111110
DEL see table 1 127 7F 01111111